Ana Raquel Neves
Ginecologista e coordenadora científica IVI Lisboa

Ana Raquel Neves



  • Doutoramento em Pediatria, Obstetrícia e Ginecologia pela Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona com a tese “The impact of genetic variants linked to folliculogenesis and steroidogenesis on female reproduction” (2020-2024)
  • Fellowship Clínico e de Investigação em Medicina da Reprodução no Hospital Universitário Dexeus (Barcelona, Espanha) (2020-2021)
  • Internato de Formação Específica em Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal) (2014-2019)
  • Preletora em reuniões científicas nacionais ou internacionais.
  • Revisora convidada de revistas científicas internacionais como a Human Reproduction Open, Reproductive BioMedicine Online, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics e Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Autora ou coautora de cerca de 70 trabalhos apresentados em reuniões científicas nacionais ou internacionais e 20 artigos científicos publicados, dos quais se destacam:

  • The additive effect of combinations of gene variants of FSH receptor gene in ovarian response to stimulation.

AR Neves, S Garcia, LT Vuong, C Blockeel, C Spits, NP Polyzos.

Reprod Sci. 2024 (in press).


  • Association between the number of oocytes retrieved and cumulative live birth rate: A systematic review.

AR Neves, P Montoya-Botero, N Sachs-Guedj, NP Polyzos.

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2023;87:102307.


  • Association between sequence variants in FSHR gene and reproductive outcomes following IVF in predicted normoresponders.

AR Neves, S Garcia, LT Vuong, C Blockeel, G Arroyo, C Spits, TD Pham, TM Ho, H Tournaye, NP Polyzos.

Reprod Biomed Online. 2023;46(5):826-834.


  • The effect of polymorphisms in FSHR gene on late follicular phase progesterone and estradiol serum levels in predicted normoresponders.

AR Neves, LT Vuong, C Blockeel, S Garcia, C Alviggi, C Spits, PQM Ma, TM Ho, H Tournaye, NP Polyzos.

Hum Reprod 2022. 31;37(11):2646-2654.


  • Androgens and diminished ovarian reserve: the long road from basic science to clinical implementation. A comprehensive and systematic review with meta-analysis.

AR Neves, P Montoya-Botero, NP Polyzos.

Am J Obst Gynecol. 2022. S0002-9378(22)00248-4.


  • Intracytoplasmatic sperm injection for all or for a few?

Jason M Franasiak, Nikolaos P Polyzos, Ana Raquel Neves, John L Yovich, TM Ho, Lan N Vuong, Robert J Norman.

Fertil Steril 2022. 117(2):270-284.


  • The effect of late folicular phase progesterone elevation on embryo ploidy and cumulative live birth

Ana Raquel Neves, Samuel Santos Ribeiro, Sandra Garcia Martínez, Marta Devesa, Sérgio Soares, Juan A García-Velasco, Nicolas Garrido, Nikolaos P Polyzos.

Reprod Biomed Online, 2021. 43(6):1063-1069.


  • The role of androgen supplementation in women with diminished ovarian reserve: Time to randomize, not meta-analyze.

Ana Raquel Neves, Pedro Montoya-Botero, Nikolaos P Polyzos.

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 2021;17;12:653857.


  • The effect of polymorphisms in FSHR and FSHB genes on ovarian A prospective multicenter multinational study in Europe and Asia.

Nikolaos P Polyzos, Ana Raquel Neves, Panagiotis Drakopoulos, Claudia Spits, Beatriz Alvaro Mercadal, Sandra Garcia, PQM Ma, LH Le, MT Ho, J Mertens, Dominique Stoop, Herman Tournaye, Lan N Vuong.

Human Reproduction, 2021. 17;36(6):1711-1721.


  • A multicentre prospective study in investigating the performance of Elecsys® anti-Mullerian hormone assay in predicting extremes of ovarian response to corifollitropin alfa.

Ana Raquel Neves, Cristophe Blockeel, George Griesinger, Juan A Garcia-Velasco, António La Marca, Ignacio Rodriguez, Panagiotis Drakopoulos, Manuel Alvarez, Herman Tournaye, Nikolaos P Polyzos.

Reprod Biomed Online, 2020; 41(1):29-36.


  • Current therapeutic options for controlled ovarian stimulation in assisted reproductive technology

Annalisa Racca, Panagiotis Drakopoulos, Ana Raquel Neves, Nikolaos P Polyzos.

Drugs, 2020; 80(10):973-994.


  • Prevalence of cytogenetic abnormalities and FMR1 gene premutation in a Portuguese population with premature ovarian

Ana Raquel Neves, Ana Sofia Pais, Susana I Ferreira, Vera Ramos, Maria João Carvalho, Alexandra Estevinho, Eunice Matoso, Fernanda Geraldes, Isabel M Carreira, Fernanda Águas. Acta Med Port, 2020. 34(9):580-585.


  • What is the clinical impact of the endometrial receptivity array in PGT-A and oocyte donation cycles?

Ana Raquel Neves, Marta Devesa, Francisca Martínez, Sandra Garcia-Martínez, Ignacio Rodriguez, Nikolaos P Polyzos, Buenventura Coroleu.

J Assist Reprod Genet, 2019; 36(9):1901-1908.


  • How the location of intracavitary lesions influences pain during office

Ana Raquel Neves, João Mairos, Patrícia Di Martino.

J Minim Invasive Gynecol, 2019; 26(7):1334-1339.



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